Qualifying Partners for different cards-Singabantu Afrika

Singabantu Afrika (PTY) Ltd is a registered legal entity REG: 2018/261242/07 and registered with SARS with VAT Number:4430282030

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Singabantu Afrika CSP Debit Card Membership
As a Singabantu Afrika CSP Member Account card holder you will be allowed to received the following benefits:
  • A profit dividend share from the CSP Account Pool (Calculated based on your Shopping from the in-Singabantu Network partner app as well as with the Singabantu Afrika debit card.)
  • South Africans who utilise the CSP Account will have the potential to apply for Financing for Houses, Vehicles and Business.
  • Any dividend pay-outs will be paid towards your Singabantu Afrika debts and then any balances paid to you will be paid to your CSP Account debit card.
  • Cashback and Shopping points earned from the following partners, respectively:
Up ToUp To
Printing & Branding4,00%8,00%Singabantu Invoiced
Herbalife Products15,00%35,00%Singabantu Discounted Invoiced
B2B P.O.S Machine (Transction Fees)0,25%0,75%Transaction Fees
Medical Insurance0,50%1,50%Singabantu ABN Partnership
Online PartnersUp ToUp ToTerms
Orion Skin Online3,00%6,00%(Use singabantu as Coupon Code)
Key PartnersUp ToUp ToTerms
Spar0.25%0,50%Maximum of R3000 Turnover
Sasol0.25%0,50%Maximum of R3000 Turnover
Total0.25%0,50%Maximum of R3000 Turnover
Shell0.25%0,50%Maximum of R3000 Turnover
MBT Petrolium0.25%0,50%Maximum of R3000 Turnover
The Gas Company0.25%0,50%Maximum of R3000 Turnover
Spend more than R750 from any CSP Core Partner or CSP Online partner and we will Double your Key Partner CB & Shopping points for that respective transaction month.
Third Party ParnersCBSPTerms
E Voucher PartnersEarned as shown               1,00For Every 1 Point you generate for us you earn 0,003 Share Points. Excludes Free SP
CB Card PartnersEarned as shown               1,00For Every 1 Point you generate for us you earn 0,003 Share Points. Excludes Free SP
In order to receive Share Points you need to sign up as a Singabantu Afrika MyWorld customer. 
** Dividends and Cashback will be withheld should your account not be in good standing or if you owe Singabantu Afrika any moneys.
** Cashback and Shopping points paid by Singabantu Afrika is on the final amount excl VAT.

** You require either or any of the following FICA documents to participate. South African ID, Valid Passport, Permit, Asylum and Proof of residence.